Happy Holidays, Cool Yule and Merry Christmas to all! Also, in the spirit of my room box - Bah Humbug!
I give you the final pictures you've been waiting for! Scrooge and Marley's Counting House from Charles Dickens Christmas Carol. It's bleak, 19th century London before Scrooge has his eyes opened about the wonders of being a nice fellow.
This is the 1:12 scale stool by Gypsy Soul Laser Cuts.

The stove is locked up tight because Scrooge won't allow anymore heat this eve'.
Stack of books filled with cases and files.
The snowy, frost covered window.
Coins being counted, the keys to the stove, the quill and the candle.
The picture hanging on the wall of old Jacob Marley (happens to be my great grandfather) and in the corner is a calendar, marking it the 24th of December.
Top down view of the shop.
Umbrella and books.
A sign on outside of box.
Have a wonderful holiday season everyone!
Materials Used
7x7 Corner Room Box
1:12 Scale Stools
This is the cutest thing every!! Love!