I've always said a good sense of humor can get you through many dreary days. Others have said it better. If you could choose one characteristic that would get you through life, choose a sense of humor."Jennifer Jones "Life is so much easier with a sense of humor." "A sense of humor is a major defense against minor troubles."Mignon McLaughlin It is with my warped and twisted sense of humor I bring you a cheeky new take on the phrase "April Showers..." I first found Victorian images of woman with umbrellas then tattooed men. I quilted them together in honor of April, National Humor Month.1. Gather Supplies.

2. Search Pinterest for Desired Images-I Used Vintage Victorian Women with Umbrellas and Tattooed Men.3. Quilt Together into a Grid.4. Make Copies on Both Cardstock and Transparencies.5. Layer Transparencies on Top of Cardstock Images.
6. Attach with Double Sided Tape.
7. Paint Base of GSLC Frames with Black Acrylic Paint using a Paintbrush.8. Use Embossing Ink and Red geranium Embossing Power on the Top Portions of the GSLC Frames. Cure With a Heat Tool.
9. To Add Interest and Texture Use Dry Brush Technique to Add Lumiere Crimson and Metallic Russet Acrylic Paint to the Top Portion of the GSLC Frames.
10. Use Scrap Pieces of Cardboard to Add Backs to all of GSLC Frames.11. Carefully Choose Portion of Quilted Double Exposure Images to be Included in Each Frame. Cut Out.12. Layer Frames and Glue Together Using Heavy Gel Matte Medium. 13. Allow to Fully Dry Under Heavy Books.
14. Once Fully Dry add Bits of Used Tea Bags on Portion of the Images to Give a More Vintage Sepia Look with a Paintbrush and Matte Gel Medium. Once Again Allow to Dry Fully.
Some Final Thoughts.
I hope you have enjoyed my take on "April Showers!!" I think many of us could benefit from a cold shower from time to time when the stresses of everyday Living get too much for us. If you are allowed the luxury a bubble bath is even better with lit candles and meditative music and sipping a guilty pleasure beverage of your choice.
"I have a knack for finding humor in all sorts of things, no matter how grim. My sense of humor is wry and a bit on the warped side. (Well. more than a bit depending on whom you ask.)"Gerri R. Gray
"Laugh as much as possible, always laugh, it's the sweetest thing one can do for oneself and one's fellow human beings" Maya Angelou "A sense of humor...is needed armor. Joy in one's heart and some laughter on one's lips is a sign that person down deep has a pretty good grasp on life" Hugh Sidey "People with a sense of humor tend to be less egocentric and more realistic in their view of the world and more humble in moments of success and less defeated in times of travail." Bob Newhart "You've got to have a sense of humor to keep your sanity." Lance Bass "Common sense and a sense of humor are the same thing, moving at different speeds. A sense of humor is just common sense, dancing."Clive James
Supplies: Gypsy Soul Laser Cuts-Layered Frame Aria, Gypsy Soul Laser Cuts-Layered Frame Felicity, Gypsy Soul Laser Cuts-Layered Frame Tulip, Gypsy Soul Laser Cuts-Frame Lavinia, Collection of Found Images (Victorian Woman with Umbrellas, Tattooed Men),Printed Images of Card Stock and Transparencies, Double Sided Tape, Embossing Ink Roller, Red Geranium Embossing Powder, Heat Tool, Black Acrylic Paint, Lumiere Crimson and Metallic Russet Acrylic Paint, Paintbrush, Heavy Gel Matte Medium, Scraps of Cardboard, Heavy Book, Scissors, Black Sharpie, Used Tea Bags, Matte Medium,
I cannot wait to see your interpretation of this project. Share it on the Gypsy Soul Laser Cuts Craft Group Page on Facebook. I would love to see what new creations you are working on!
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