Friday, March 22, 2013

Buzzin About Free-Bee Friday

See what we did there? Okay a bit cheesy I know but I'll bet it made you smile :) This weeks Freebie Friday is all about the Bees:

Right click on the image to save it your computer! Here is a card made by Deann using the printable

For more details visit her blog post here

Shanna also created some ATC's using this freebie and  the Delicate Frames and Ornaments Shape Set and also some saws from a Guy Thing Mini Shape Set.!


  1. Thanks for the Free Bee, off now to see what I can make with it!

    Sylv xx

  2. so be(e)autiful ! merci pour le partage !... je cherche des freebies sur le web et je partage mes liens sur Pinterest : je viens d’y ajouter celui-ci !... (j'ai déjà plus de 14000 liens vers des téléchargements gratuits !)

  3. Thank you so much for these tag sets, they are lovely. Narnt

  4. Thanks for the tags, beautiful

  5. Thank you so much for the beeutiful tags. Linda

  6. Hey thanks so much, just what i need xx
