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Saturday, November 3, 2018

Miniature Day of the Dead Ofrenda

An ofrenda is a collection of objects placed on an altar during the Mexican Día de Muertos celebration. They are colorful and beautiful and I was inspired to make one in miniature. The shrine is made from a GSL Mini House Room Box 4 x 4 Open
It's made of 6 pieces; the back, sides, floor and two roof pieces. Before I assembled it, I glued a pretty rose paper from the Paper Studio Floral Shoppe collection into the attic space and plain red cardstock for the interior.
For the roof, I painted some of the GSL Pointed Chipboard Shingles in a light wash of teal acrylic paint. 
They are easily cut to fit with a pair of scissors and were anchored in place with tacky glue.
The exterior papers I selected for this project were from the Recollections Summer Fiesta collection, which is Day of the Dead themed.
The altar was made by gluing together six dominoes. It was the perfect size! It got a teal blue chipboard covering and a colorful stripe cut from Summer Fiesta down the center.
I knew I wanted to include skulls and had these colorful beads in my stash to glue on as their bases. Their eyes were adorned with floral nail decals.
I also gave a larger skull bead some blue crystal eyes and a crown. On the left side you'll find some tiny pumpkins, a miniature bottle of wine and a loaf of bread I molded from paper clay and painted. I put a photo of Frida Kahlo in a miniature metal frame at the top of the altar and made a prayer candle from a small bottle and printed image. The candle itself is made from paper clay and a thin black wire. 
 Flowers and crosses made from charms complete the scene.
Thanks for stopping by!

Gypsy Soul Items Used

Other Items Used
Tacky glue
Acrylic paint
Red chipboard paper
Paper Studio Floral Shoppe collection
Recollections Summer Fiesta collection
Skull beads
Base beads
Flat back rhinestone crystals
Miniature crown
Floral nail decals
Miniature pumpkins, bread, wine bottle
Tiny metal frame
Paper clay
Cross charms

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