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Friday, April 13, 2018

Gift Card envelope

Today I have taken a Gypsy Soul Laser Cuts Tag Folder Small and turned it into a fun little gift card holder with the help of some really awesome new Gypsy Soul Laser Cuts Henna Doodles 1 which I just love.

I started by covering the folder in patterned paper. Be sure to wrap the paper around the edges as otherwise you will end up with raw edges that don't look so good. Remember however that this will make the project three times as thick as the original, so I like to glue one section at a time, then wrap around the edge before adhering the next section, just to be sure you have a snug fit. I used complimentary colors for the inside and for the pockets. Tip: Adhere the paper in place before glueing the tab for the pocket. Seems obvious, but an easy mistake to make. 

I then sponged some gold gilding wax along the edges. I sponged the same gilding wax directly onto the Henna designs. This is a really easy way to add bright color fast. Just remember that it takes a little while to dry. I used a large piece on the front of the folder, and a smaller co-ordinating piece on the inside pocket front. 

I then adhered flowers and leaves over the edge. By having them touching, it creates a cohesive visual cluster, without losing any of the intricate design of the chipboard piece. I also tucked in some soft gauze mesh for texture, and added a metal corner embellishment to the front. Finally I added dimensional paint dots to the henna design for fine detail.

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